Exploring the Possibilities of Artificial Intelligence

aReception Story

The journey of our virtual AI receptionist & assistant began as an in-house initiative at ARTIN.


Initial Idea

Tomáš Ondřáček, co-founder and co-owner of ARTIN, came up with an innovative idea to create a virtual reception that combines elements of artificial intelligence. The main goal was to increase the efficiency of the work of a physical receptionist, who had nothing to do when clients were not present.


aReception: Prototype

We are delighted to introduce you to our latest technological innovation – aReception, also known as “Rona”. We created it as a modern solution for welcoming guests and customers in our newly built ARTIN building in Brno.


aReception: 2nd Edition

The first version was successful, but our ambitions reached even further. With this goal in mind, we embarked on the development of the second version, which brings an even greater number of improvements, innovative features, and better user experience to achieve an even higher standard in the field of welcoming guests and customers.


aReception: 3rd Edition

This year, we are excited to introduce the next evolution of aReception – the third generation. With innovations, we have integrated a camera and microphone directly into the terminal, which takes the entire concept of a virtual receptionist to a new, exciting level.

2023 - 2024

Serial Production

Now that we have started serial production, we are delighted to introduce aReception to a wider audience. If you are looking for an innovative and efficient way to enrich your company or building, aReception is the ideal choice.

Why Choose aReception? Our Unique Benefits

We are proud to be part of the ARTIN Group, a leading organization that embraces cutting-edge technologies including artificial intelligence, robotics, and automation.

In year 2022, ARTIN’s revenue exceeded 20 million euros, showcasing our strong focus on innovation and success.

400+ Employees

Since its founding in 1998, the ARTIN company has grown from just two founders to a group of companies with more than 400 employees and branches in Prague, Brno, and Bratislava.

Successful Projects

Take a look at our successful projects: Aiviro, Coworkers, RealPad, Equiradar, RoboAuto, Včelka, Senzoor, Sanae, Notum and ARTIN.

ARTIN Clients

The clientele of ARTIN includes the automotive industry, telecommunications companies, banking institutions, insurance companies, and logistics businesses.


We carefully perceive the needs of our clients and constantly work on innovations and improvements of our product, aReception.

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